Increase Shooting Capacity With the CZ 455/457 Mag Extension
Whether you are going on a hunt, competing, or just having a little fun on the range, having extra ammo is always a good thing. Increase your CZ 455/457 mag capacity by three rounds with Anarchy Outdoors's extended mag.
The meticulous USA design and manufacture of this mag extension shines through with the ease of installation. Just remove the mag base plate and slide on the mag extension. Watch our installation video for step by step directions.
Note: These are only compatible with the 10 round magazines. They will not work properly on the 5 round magazines. Similarly these extensions are not compatible with the 17 HMR or the 22 WMR.
At Anarchy Outdoors, we pride ourselves in our ability to deliver high-quality, precision, and cutting-edge gear for firearm enthusiasts. All Anarchy Outdoors’ developed products come with a lifetime replacement guarantee.
Made in the USA
Customer Reviews
Mag Ext
works having the extra rounds
CZ 455/457 3 Round Mag Extension
Worked as advertised. The key is once you have the extension in place, whatever you are using to hold the spring back, pull it out fast and let the spring "slap" back down into place.
10 round magazine
Great fit and quick turnaround time Haven’t shot the rifle since receiving it, but I think I am going to love it
Works Great +3 Rnds
Easy installation. Added 3 rounds to my 10 rnd CZ457 magazine. I didn’t read the instructions and tried to install onto the 5rd mag - so my only wish would be to work on the 5rnd mags as well as the 10.